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Our Dedication to SUSTAINABILITY

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  • Our Dedication to SUSTAINABILITY
01 Nov 2019

Environmental sustainability has been a keystone of SunDance from the beginning.

We take this responsibility seriously, and are always investing in practices that reduce waste, improve our environmental efforts and minimize our carbon footprint. Through every step of the process—from in-house initiatives to outside vendor relationships—we are fully dedicated to being conscientious stewards of our local and global ecosystem.

Energy Usage and Emissions

We closely monitor our usage of raw materials, energy and emissions to find ways to reduce overall consumption. With this knowledge, we can better advise clients on paper options that use renewable energy and contain higher post‑consumer content—helping to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • Our strict maintenance schedule ensures our equipment is always running at optimal performance, minimizing excessive energy outputs
  • When purchasing new materials or equipment for our facility, we always factor in important EHS considerations—including energy requirements, noise levels and long-term sustainability
  • Our vehicles are maintained in optimal condition to minimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions
  • We’ve minimized our VOC and HAP emissions by using low VOC products
  • We practice responsible solvent management by adhering to best practices to prevent spills in storage and transport
  • We invested in a solvent recycler, reducing the need to purchase new press wash solvent

Waste Reduction  

Our employees, clients and end-users expect environmentally-sound printing methods and materials, and SunDance has been an industry leader in adopting these important practices. SunDance is dedicated to eliminating waste and reducing our use of any volatile, toxic solvents or inks in our printing process.

  • We’ve established operating procedures that minimize waste from equipment setup to finishing services
  • SunDance recycles the vast majority of our production paper waste, cardboard, aluminum and printing plates
  • By cutting our offset prep-time by 1/3 over the past 3 years, we’ve significantly reduced our overall paper, ink and solvent usage on traditional print projects
  • When appropriate, we will run jobs digitally to reduce set-up material waste and chemical usage. 
  • Using the most accurate ink, coating, adhesive and solvent estimation methods allow us to reduce unnecessary waste
  • Our on-demand digital print process reduces consumer waste due to obsolescence
  • We’ve established a number ‘take-back’ programs for unused materials
  • Use of eco-friendly packaging solutions (for ourselves and our vendors) helps us eliminate another source of excess waste
  • We regularly analyze our waste streams to exploit any possible opportunities for re-use or recycling

Employee Initiatives

SunDance is dedicated to supporting optimal health, safety and environmental conditions in every aspect of our work. Our goal is to reduce our global and local environmental impact while improving overall health and safety for our employees. We also give our employees the agency to suggest improvements and modify their processes to help reach our environmental goals.

  • By evaluating jobs at the quote stage, we can “value engineer” print projects—optimizing the process to reduce waste, save on materials and cut costs consumer costs
  • Our intentional, planned coordination of shipments helps reduce or eliminate redundant deliveries
  • We incorporate employee feedback and safety recommendations to create the healthiest possible working environment for our employees
  • Our usage of low-VOC solvents, vegetable-based inks help facilitate a safer work environment for all employees
  • Maintaining a clean, tidy facility allows us to reduce employee exposure to dust, solvents and other airborne chemicals.

Material Management and Social Impact

The volume of paper used in the printing industry provides a huge opportunity for waste reduction. The changes we make can have a lasting impact on the global supply chain, forestry practices, fiber‑sourcing and more. SunDance is always seeking to adopt practices that increase the sustainability of our most valuable natural resources.

  • FSC sets high standards to ensure forestry is practiced in an environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable way while following a certified chain of custody from forest to the paper manufacturer, merchant and printer
  • SunDance was the first Sustainable Green Partnership (SGP) offset printer in Florida
  • SGP requires printers to consider their entire facility when undergoing certification, and is the only whole-facility sustainability certification program for the graphic communication industry
  • We utilize our Sustainable Green Printing continuous improvement program to identify, review and establish annual sustainability goals—including an in-depth, bi-yearly SGP sustainability audit
  • We offer our clients lower-impact paper options— including recycled substrates, paper-alternative fiber choice, chlorine‑free bleaching and FSC-certified papers
  • SunDance is dedicated to sourcing materials derived from renewable resources or with low environmental impact, taking into account recycling and recovery efforts
  • By maintaining low paper inventories, we reduce outdated materials and unnecessary obsolescence
  • We work closely with our vendors to ensure environmental transparency, increasing the availability of low-impact papers for our clients.

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