LED Lighted Banners and Posters

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What are Dynamic LED's?

LED's are the light of the digital age- they are color, bright, energy efficient, last a long time and create almost no heat, so they are safe and incredible sturdy.

LED's are being used almost everywhere nowadays. Why are they so popular? LED lights are glamorous, bright and colorful and they attract attention like no others, and the design potential is limitless.  

Embedding dynamic LED lights in signs is a fantastic way to tastefully attract the attention of by-passers so that they can assimilate your message.

Get your sign noticed with beautiful sparkly LED lights that will make your sign SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE!


  • Lightweight and Flexible, keeping shipping inexpensive
  • Durable and reusable
  • Engaging and interactive
  • Sensor and NFC integration available
  • Practical and Easy to use
  • Powered by USB battery or standard plug
Ease of use
  • 33” x 80” Roll up Banner and 11.75” x 19.5” Table Top Roll up Banner
  • Custom-sized hanging posters
  • Sequenced RGB LEDs (any RGB color)
  • Wi-Fi Interaction (Upcoming feature)
  • Touch Sensitive (Upcoming feature)
  • X-stand Banner (Upcoming feature)
How does it Work?
It’s basically a very large Circuit Board using proprietary conductive material set.

Where Are the LEDs?
Our Proprietary patent method allows us to embed LED technology
directly into the banner material creating the large circuit board.

Are they durable?
Yes, they are incredibly durable. We have performed stringent "road testing" of these products for durability and longevity and they continue to perform at 100%.